Dream it

built it

grow it

A human issue

everything we do to rescue those who have been exploited and to help destitute women and children comes from an understanding that these are fundamentally human issues. All forms of exploitation have broken God’s heart and improverished his design for people

bridging the gap

rescue, restore

We have helped over 900 individuals find healing and restoration by proviing a place to call home and helping them rewirte their stories

We have helped provide aftercare programs and counselling for women, children and men affected by exploitation. We also have provided healthcare for every individual.


development, education

We allow every individual to have the opporunity to pursue their dreams. We take the limitation of finances out of the table. providing private schooling and post-secondary education as well.

dreams that have become reality!

900 individuals rescued

300 individuals provided education

30 provided post secondary education

2 buildings raised

3 safe homes established

thank you for championing!

where we work

where we work

Tamil Nadu, India

In Tamil Nadu, India, we work with an established grassroots project partner called Loving Hands India to provide safe homes for survivors of human trafficking or abuse, a private school and prevention programs. 

Our local partner has worked in Tamil Nadu  for nearly now over 15 years,
restoring over 400 + individuals to becoming who they are called to be. They work tirelessly to combat the exploitation plaguing the state of Tamil Nadu, which has recently been recognized, tragically, as the Indian state with the highest number of exploitation cases in India. They lead with determination, passion and empathy that comes from having experienced trauma and healing themselves.

Their focus is to work helping changing the trajectory of very women and children they work with, providing them love, care, counselling, education, and aftercare programs.

Our hope is to see these individuals become leaders in their community, their nation and around the world.