Unite your team around providing safety and freedom for women and children.

Partnering with Lighthouse Voyage significantly boosts your organization's impact, enhances overall employee engagement, and effectively unites your entire community for the greater good.

Why Partner with Lighthouse Voyage

Bring your team closer together

Providing safety and freedom for children is an important cause that we can all rally behind and feel genuinely proud to support as a community. It is crucial to ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow up in a secure environment, where their rights are respected and their potential can flourish.

You’ll receive regular updates on the real-life results and positive impacts of your generous contributions. This way, you can see how your support is making a meaningful difference.

See the impact

The excitement will spread.

We’ll make it both simple and convenient for you to easily share all the wonderful and positive work that you’re doing with your team, as well as with your broader community!

How can my business partner with Lighthouse Voyage?

Unsure of the best option or have another idea to discuss? Reach out to us. We are here to collaborate and create a partnership that excites your team.

  • Fund a specific need—like the purchase of a new prevention outreach vehicle, or the costs of running an elementary school class for a whole year, or paying for capital project that will provide safe housing and healing for many women and children.

    • Minimum of $10,000 per year

    • Use of our supporter logo

    • Your company name on our website

    • Reporting on your sponsored project

    • Examples of projects available for funding: prevention outreach vehicle; clothing for all children in care for the year; prevention presentations; elementary or high school classroom operation for a year, safe housing operation cost for the year.

  • You'll feel fully connected to the work we're doing together through custom reporting, travel opportunities and co-branded campaigns.

    • Minimum of $100,000 per year

    • Dedicated support from our team

    • Co-branding opportunities

    • Use of our logo

    • Your logo on our website

    • Custom reporting on projects

    • Potential opportunity to visit our projects

    • Lighthouse staff member speaking engagement

    • Co-created video and/or print asset(s)

  • Receive dedicated support from our team, marketing assets and opportunities for co-branded products.

    • Minimum of $50,000 per year

    • Dedicated support from our team

    • Use of our logo

    • Your logo on our website

    • Standard reporting on projects

    • Social media assets

    • Co-branded partnership commitment

  • Donate a percentage of each sale or commit a monthly percentage of your revenue.

  • Provide your customers with an option to make a donation as they check out.

  • Help make Lighthouse Voyage events a success by providing in-kind donations for auctions and give-aways.

  • Multiply your team’s charitable giving by matching their donations.

  • Support key Ally events to help us increase community engagement and ultimately raise more funds.

  • Gather your community for a fundraiser or awareness event.

Partnership can also look like…

Prevent trafficking. Support survivors in their healing journey. Together, we can make a lasting impact.