

Exploiters often take advantage on rural villages, manipulating children with false promises of attending school or finding work—only to trap them in slavery. Often times we see even family member becoming the ones who exploit their daughters, wife, or sons. 

the team works to research and identify areas of their state with a higher risk of exploitation. At the time of their recruitment, most victims of child exploitation were not attending school. We provide children in vulnerable communities with the textbooks, supplies and uniforms needed to attend public rural schools. 

We believe in our local leaders, The team educates the community about the dangers of exploitation, women empowerment. Using engaging media, folk stories, personal stories, and plays, in the local language, our local partner can educate the students, teachers, families, and the community


We believe cultivation brings unity, creates community, and a space to heal. Within our Property in tamil nadu we have a 3 acre land that is prime for cultivation. The farm will meet the produce, poultry and dairy needs for the women and children we feed daily. 

Through their cultivation they have been already selling their harvest in the market helping with the offset of operational cost. 

health care

We make sure every individual gets access to medical and dental care. We pay for the full cost of medical and dental bills, from prescriptions, to surgeries we believe healthcare should never be a hindrance to their growth and their future!

We also provide care within  the community and town we are located at by providing funds to help people in the community get the care they need. This is a way of partnership with the locals and gaining the support and trust. 

safe homes

Generational impact and healing for survivors requires not just months but years of care and love. Our safe homes provide a secure environment for women and children to find healing, receive access to counselling and medical care, build safe relationships and be encouraged to pursue their dreams. 

We currently support in Tamil nadu 60 boys and 85 girls, each having a home, ranging in ages from newborn to 78years old. Our local partners encourage young adults to dream big and connect them to the opportunities they need to thrive.

We also invest into their future. After graduating from university or job training, staff help individuals transition back into society, reintegrating survivors to health and independence. when they feel ready.

Job training

We encourage individuals to pursue work they enjoy through job training. We help every individual connect with classes in trades, cooking, hair and makeup, jewellery, photography, tailoring, computer skills and more. We want every student to feel accomplished and excited about their chosen field.

We also Help individuals who wanting to peruse more training. we will pay for the University or college cost. Helping making their Dreams become reality